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Welcome to Rabbit Hutch World!

Here at Rabbit Hutch World we stock a huge range of hutches, runs and living accessories for your darling little Rabbits and Guinea Pigs.

Everyone needs the perfect home to make them feel safe, happy and to keep them healthy – our pets are no exception so have a browser through our range of runs and hutches and give them the home they deserve – they will love you all the more for it.

Rabbit runs are essential to provide enough space for them to play and get their exercise in. Have a look at our range of secure outdoor runs and enjoy watching your little furry one enjoy some quality time hopping around outside in the fresh air!

Guinea pigs also love some quality space to live and play in – so whether it’s an outdoor pen for the warmer summer months or a more permanent feature for your home or garden – we have the perfect one for your Guinea Pig. Browser our collection of multi-level Guinea Pig Hutches for extra space or our smaller single-level hutches where space is less abundant..

Outdoor Rabbit Health

Keeping rabbits outdoors requires a bit more effort and thought to keep them healthy and happy than indoor rabbits and you need to take the proper precautions.

Take a look through our how-to guide below which will take you through all of the considerations you need for your furry one to live a happy and healthy life outdoors…

Guinea pigs

Guinea Pig Care

Guinea pigs make great pets as they are so cuddly and friendly, their social inclination means they prefer to be in groups of 2-5. 

Just like humans, they are quite social creatures so it is important that you at least consider getting more than one guinea pig…


Morbi fermentum sollicitudin est, eget pellentesque..


Morbi fermentum sollicitudin est, eget pellentesque..


Morbi fermentum sollicitudin est, eget pellentesque..