Returns Policy


It does not happen often but unfortunately there maybe times when you may need to return your product.

For example, If your items are received damaged  or have missing components or if the wrong item has been delivered, you must contact us immediately “in at least 3 days of receiving your order” this is to allow us time to contact the Manufactures or Suppliers so that we can resolve your issue.

Cancelling your order after delivery

  • you must inform us in writing or via e-mail within fourteen days starting from the day after delivery.
  • you have a statutory duty of care to the products while they are in your possession to ensure that they are not damaged in any way.
  • the products must be returned to an address we will supply.
  • you can arrange to have the products returned in which case you should arrange to do this within fourteen days from the date of cancellation.
  • you can request that we arrange to have the products collected in which case there will be a collection charge.
  • the products must be repackaged in suitable materials to ensure that they cannot be damaged while being returned.
  • you will be credited for the full amount you paid for the goods less any costs incurred by us in returning the product within 14 days of us receiving confirmation that the goods have been returned and that they are in an acceptable condition.
  • you cannot return perishable goods i.e. turf.